Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/21/2023 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers/Virtual Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-A-064 1  By-lawBill 067 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2004-142 Use of Public Property (Nuisance) By-law to regulate the use of City Property. (23-A-052) Bill 068 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2019-059 Parks Use By-law to regulate and govern use and activities permitted within City parks, environmentally protected land, and open space in the City of Barrie. (23-A-052) AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, A. Courser That Bills 067 and 068 be referred to staff to modernize the wording in By-law 2019-059 (Parks Use By-law) as amended and By-law 2004-182 as amended (Nuisance By-law) and report back to General Committee. CARRIED Upon the question of Bills 067 and 068 moved by Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson, and seconded by Councillor, A. Courser, Bills 067 and 068 were CARRIED AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENT #1. BILL 067 AND 068 - RECEIVING ONLY FIRST AND SECOND READING   Action details Not available
23-A-065 1  Student/Mayor ItemSWEARING IN OF HONOURARY STUDENT MAYOR, HOPE FROM SEASONS CENTRE FOR GRIEVING CHILDREN - HOPE AROUND TOWN INITIATIVE The swearing in of Honourary Student Mayor, Hope from the Seasons Centre for Grieving Children was rescheduled to a future City Council meeting.Received  Action details Not available
23-A-066 1  Awards and RecognitionRECOGNITION OF THE BARRIE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (BMHA) BARRIE COLTS U14A HOCKEY TEAM ON WINNING THE ONTARIO MINOR HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP The recognition of the BMHA Barrie Colts U14A Hockey Team was rescheduled to a future City Council meeting.Received  Action details Not available
23-A-067 1  Awards and RecognitionRECOGNITION OF THE BARRIE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (BMHA) BARRIE COLTS U15AA HOCKEY TEAM ON WINNING THE ONTARIO MINOR HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP AND ALL ONTARIO CHAMPIONS The recognition of the BMHA Barrie Colts U15AA Hockey Team was rescheduled to a future City Council meeting.Received  Action details Not available
23-A-068 1  Confirmation of MinutesThe Minutes of the City Council meeting dated June 7, 2023, were adopted as printed and circulated.Adopted as printed and circulated  Action details Not available
23-A-069 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY SIMON KAPTEIJN CONCERNING MOTION 23-G-153, BRADFORD STREET CORRIDOR STUDY MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (WARD 2 AND 8) Simon Captain provided a Deputation concerning motion 23-G-153 regarding the Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environment Assessment. Mr. Captain advised that his family lives near the proposed development. He expressed that his family would lose about 40% of their land, close to the Transit Hub and the Allandale Station; the lands should be intensified and not taken away by straightening the road. He also expressed concern over the loss of housing for families during a housing crisis. Mr. Captain discussed his concerns with the central arterial roads and that they should have lower speed limits, wider sidewalks, and bicycle lanes. He commented that wider, straighter roads encourage drivers to speed at faster rates. He expressed the importance of promoting more active forms of transportation. Mr. Captain addressed his concerns with so many units being lost, fewer people paying property taxes, and contributing to local businReceived  Action details Not available
23-A-070 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY ALEXANDER SURIANO OF AIRD AND BERLIS LLP. ON BEHALF OF ONE URBAN DEVELOPMENT CONCERNING MOTION 23-G-151, COMMUNITY BENEFITS CHARGES STRATEGY AND BY-LAW Alexander Suriano of Aird and Berlis LLP, provided a Deputation on behalf of One Urban Development concerning motion 23-G-151 regarding Community Benefits Charges (CBC) Strategy and By-law. Mr. Soriano provided concerns about the impacts that the CBC By-law will have on affordable rental housing in developments like One Urban Development, the additional levy on developments that have already received approval from the City but have not yet obtained a building permit. He expressed that requiring a community benefits charge was unreasonable and unfair when Council approved density bonusing under the City’s Official Plan. Mr. Soriano’s final concern was that the CBC By-law would achieve the opposite effect as the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) intended by adding costs and disincentivizing the creation of rentals and affordable housing units within the City. Mr. Soriano asked that the CBC By-law be amended to inc   Action details Not available
23-A-072 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING MOTION 23-G-155, 2023 DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BACKGROUND STUDY AND BY-LAW The following Deputations concerning motion 23-G-155, 2023 Development Charge Background Study and By-law were received: 1. Alexander Suriano of Aird and Berlis LLP. on behalf of One Urban Development, expressed concern that the Development Charge Background Study overestimates the development related capital costs identified in the study and contains various inaccuracies with respect to assumptions related to post-period benefits and existing benefits. Mr. Soriano discussed the Development Charges (DC) freeze, explaining that the Development Charges are to be frozen as of the date of application for two years. He advised that One Urban Development felt that the date should not be June 7, 2023, as the two-year time frame could not have started since this development has not yet occurred. Mr. Soriano urged Council to ensure the proper interpretation of the DC freeze timeframe and that the date of site plan approval is respected. He noted that One Urban is not askin   Action details Not available
23-A-073 1  DeputationDEPUTATIONS BY THE FOLLOWING CONCERNING MOTION 23-G-161- AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING BY-LAW, 15 HARVIE ROAD (BARRIE-BRYNE DEVELOPMENTS INC.) (WARD 7) The following Deputations concerning motion 23-G-161, Amendment to the Zoning By-law, 15 Harvie Road (Barrie-Bryne Developments Inc.) were received: 1. Sarah Khan discussed her three main concerns with the development two multi-unit apartment blocks. Her first concern was the population density regarding the lack of accountability for the units within the apartment buildings. She requested that the planners consider the number of residents in multi-unit apartments and reassess if this is a high-density neighbourhood. Ms. Khan’s second concern was the lack of sunlight and privacy for residents living on Megan Crescent and the height of the buildings impacting the quality of life. Her final concern was the impacts of the construction related noise on the physical and mental health and overall well-being of nearby residents. She noted her concern with residents that work from home, with no option to leave the house during work hours.    Action details Not available
23-A-074 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY MICHAEL VANI OF WESTON CONSULTING CONCERNING STAFF REPORT DEV031-23, APPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT, 49 COLLIER STREET (WARD 2). Michael Vani of Weston Consulting advised that he did not wish to provide a Deputation.   Action details Not available
23-A-075 1  Committee Report CCGeneral Committee Report dated June 14, 2023, Section A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. (APPENDIX “A”)Received  Action details Not available
23-G-131 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT COMMITTEE DATED MAY 31, 2023Received  Action details Not available
23-G-132 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE DATED JUNE 6, 2023Received  Action details Not available
23-G-133 2  RecommendationBARRIE TRANSIT’S NEW NETWORKAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-134 2  Staff Report APPROVAL OF FACILITIES, PARKS AND RECREATION ASSET MANAGEMENT PLANAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-135 2  Reports of Officers COUNCIL FUNDRAISING POLICYAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-136 2  Reports of Officers COMMUNITY PROJECTS FUND AND UPDATE TO THE COUNCIL EXPENSE POLICYAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-138 2  RecommendationATTENDANCE AT MOSAIC - A FESTIVAL OF CULTURES 2023 IN REGINA SASKATCHEWANAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-139 2  Reports of Officers SOLICITOR-CLIENT ADVICE MATTER - CITY PROJECTSAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-140 2  Staff Report ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 1012 YONGE STREET (WARD 9)Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-143 3  Staff Report 2024 BUSINESS PLAN AND BUDGET DIRECTIONSAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-144 2  Staff Report RODNEY STREET NO PARKING ANYTIMEAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-145 2  Staff Report WATER OPERATIONS BRANCH DEDICATED LOCATOR MODEL AGREEMENTAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-146 3  Staff Report SURPLUSSING OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY - PORTION OF 694 MAPLEVIEW DRIVE EAST (WARD 9)Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-147 2  Staff Report SURPLUSSING OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY - UNTRAVELLED PORTION OF EAST STREET (WARD 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-148 2  Staff Report USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIESAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-149 2  Item of DiscussionINVITATION TO PRESENT TO COUNCIL - CLEAN UP BARRIEAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-150 2  Staff Report PROPERTY ACQUISITION MATTER - MAPLEVIEW DRIVEAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-151 3  Staff Report 2023 COMMUNITY BENEFITS CHARGES STRATEGY AND BY-LAWAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-152 3  RecommendationWATERFRONT STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE That the Report to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee dated May 31, 2023 concerning the Waterfront Strategic Plan Update, be deferred to the September 2023 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee meeting and that staff be directed to explore opportunities for engagement with community youth groups and to consult directly with the Navy League of Ontario and the local Sea Cadets Chapter regarding the potential alternative site(s) within the City of Barrie and report back to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee with the candidate sites including any initial site considerations, order of magnitude capital costs, and the recommended next steps in the process.Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-153 2  Staff Report BRADFORD STREET CORRIDOR STUDY MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (WARD 2 AND 8) AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, S. Morales Seconded by: Councillor, J. Harris That motion 23-G-153 of Section “F” of the General Committee Report dated June 14, 2023, as circulated, be amended as follows: · Add the following paragraph as paragraph 2 and the remaining renumbered accordingly: “2. That notwithstanding Section 2, that the Right of Way (ROW) south of John Street be reduced from 34 metres to 26 metres.” · Add the following words to the renumbered paragraph 5 (previously paragraph 4) between the words “Assessment” “and in accordance with”: "once a design that complied with a 26 metre Right of Way is completed and approved by City Council". AMENDMENT TO AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, A. Courser That motion 23-G-153 concerning the Bradford Street Corridor Study Municipal Class Environmental Assessment be referred to the Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee for further discussion. CARRIED Upon the question of AmendmeAdopted As Amended  Action details Not available
23-G-154 2  Staff Report GENERAL PROVISION - PARKING PROHIBITED AROUND TRAFFIC CALMING Item was LOST at General Committee dated June 14, 2023.Received  Action details Not available
23-G-155 3  Staff Report 2023 DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BACKGROUND STUDY AND BY-LAWAdopted  Action details Not available
23-A-076 1  Committee Report CCGeneral Committee Report dated June 21, 2023.   Action details Not available
23-G-156 2  Report to Committee REPORT OF THE AFFORDABILITY COMMITTEE DATED JUNE 14, 2023Received  Action details Not available
23-G-157 2  RecommendationTAX RELIEF FOR DESIGNATED HERITAGE PROPERTIES That staff in the Development Services Department in consultation with the Finance Department investigate the feasibility and timelines of a tax relief program for designated heritage properties and report back to the Heritage Barrie Committee.Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-158 2  Staff Report ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 947 MAPLEVIEW DRIVE EAST (WARD 10)Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-159 2  Staff Report APPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 49 COLLIER STREET (WARD 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
23-G-160 2  Staff Report REDWOOD PARK COMMUNITIES INC. INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FINANCINGAdopted  Action details Not available
23-G-161 3  Staff Report AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING BY-LAW - 15 HARVIE ROAD (BARRIE-BRYNE DEVELOPMENTS INC.) (WARD 7)Adopted  Action details Not available
23-A-077 1  Direct MotionNAMING OF A PARK IN RECOGNITION OF FALLEN OFFICER GRZEGORZ “GREG” PIERZCHALA Moved by: Councillor, N. Nigussie Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey 1. That Batteaux Park be renamed in memory of fallen Ontario Provincial Police Officer GRZEGORZ “GREG” PIERZCHALA, who tragically lost his life in the line of duty while responding to a call near Haggersville, Ontario on December 27, 2022. 2. That Ontario Police College Fitness Testing type equipment be installed in the park at a cost not to exceed $25,000 to be funded from the Re-Investment Reserve. 3. That City staff work with Officer Pierzchala’s family to determine an appropriate unveiling date.Adopted  Action details Not available
23-A-078 1  Direct MotionMOTION WITHOUT NOTICE - USE OF 29 SPERLING DRIVE AS A WARMING/COOLING CENTRE AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTRE Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded By: Councillor, S. Morales That pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Procedural By-law 2019-100, permission be granted to introduce a motion without notice concerning the use of 29 Sperling Drive as a Warming/Cooling Centre and Food Distribution Centre.Adopted  Action details Not available
23-A-079 1  Direct MotionUSE OF 29 SPERLING DRIVE AS A WARMING/COOLING CENTRE AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTRE Moved by: Deputy Mayor, Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, S. Morales That staff to investigate the feasibility of using 29 Sperling Drive as a Warming/Cooling Centre and Food Distribution Centre with a report back to General Committee. The recorded vote was taken as follows: Yes: 10 Councillor, C. Riepma Councillor, C. Nixon Councillor, A.M. Kungl Councillor, A. Courser Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Councillor, N. Nigussie Councillor, G. Harvey Councillor, J. Harris Councillor, S. Morales Councillor, B. Hamilton Mayor, A. NuttallAdopted  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-065 2  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to establish 0.30M Reserve Block 123, Plan 51M986, City of Barrie, County of Simcoe being all of PIN: 58901-1785(LT) as a public highway, and to name the highway Pioneer Trail. (70 Pioneer Trail) (D11-004-2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-066 1  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to exempt all of Block 163 on Plan 51M-1224 being Parts 1 to 10 on Plan 51R-44057; City of Barrie, County of Simcoe, being all of PIN: 58092-0296 (LT) from Part Lot Control imposed by Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. (12-G-190) (53 to 45 Harvest Crescent - odd only) (File # D23-026-2023Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-067 1  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to exempt all of Block 164 on Plan 51M-1224 being Parts 11 to 22 on Plan 51R-44057; City of Barrie, County of Simcoe, being all of PIN: 58092-0297 (LT) from Part Lot Control imposed by Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. (12-G-190) (55 to 65 Harvest Crescent - odd Only) (File: D23-027-2023)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-068 1  By-lawBill #071 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend Town of Innisfil By-law 054-04 and City of Barrie By-law 2009-141, land use control by-laws to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures, formerly in the Town of Innisfil, now in the City of Barrie. (23-G-140) (Zoning By-law Amendment - 1012 Yonge Street) (DEV022-23) (File: D30-005-2021) (Note: Motion 23-G-140 is listed on the General Committee Report dated June 14, 2023)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-069 1  By-lawBill #072 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (23-G-142) (Zoning By-law Amendment - 54 and 76 Ross Street, 150 Toronto Street and 61 Wellington Street West) (DEV030-23) (File: D30-041-2022) (Note: Motion 23-G-142 is listed on the General Committee Report dated June 14, 2023)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-070 1  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to accept the “as-constructed” municipal services within and complementary to Stage 1 of the Bear Creek Ridge subdivision Registered as Plan 51M-1160 as shown in the attached map, and to assume the streets within this plan of subdivision for public use. (11-G-276) (Bear Creek Ridge Stage 1 - Alaskan Heights, Olympic Gate, Koda Street, Brown Bear Street, Kodiak Terrace, and Andean Lane) (File: D12-422)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-071 1  By-lawBill #074 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to further amend By-law 2020-107, as amended, being a By-law to regulate traffic on highways. (23-G-076, 23-A-054, 23-G-097 and 23-G-144) (No Parking Golfdale Road, Mapleview Drive East and Rodney Street) (Cycling Lane Implementation - Grove Street and Dunlop Street/Blake Street) (DEV018-23, DEV019-23 and INF004-23) (Note: Motion 23-G-144 is listed on the General Committee Report dated June 14, 2023)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-072 1  By-lawBill #075 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to further amend By-law 2023-023 with respect to the establishment and requirement of the payment of fees for information, services, activities and use of City property. (23-G-067) (Schedule M - Business in the Parks Program) (ECD002-23) (File: C11)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-073 1  By-lawA By-Law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to impose Community Benefits Charges. (23-G-151) (2023 Community Benefits Charges Strategy and By-law) (FIN010-23) (File: F22) (Note: Motion 21-G-151 listed on the General Committee Report dated June 14, 2023)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-074 1  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to establish municipal-wide development charges for the City of Barrie and to repeal By-laws 2019-055, 2021-059 and all amendments thereto. (23-G-155) (2023 Development Charge Background Study and By-law) (FIN009-23) (File: F22) (Note: Motion 23-G-155 listed on the General Committee Report dated June 14, 2023)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2023-075 1  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 21st day of June, 2023.Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available