Meeting Name: Finance and Corporate Services Committee (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/28/2014 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-8178 1  Staff MemoTAXI INDUSTRY WORKING GROUP/OVERNIGHT TAXI ENFORCEMENT 2012-2013. The memorandum from T. Banting, Manager of By-law Services regarding the Taxi Industry Working Group/Overnight Taxi Enforcement 2012-2013 dated April 23, 2014, was received. (File: P00)   Action details Not available
TMP-8197 1  Presentation - AC/RCBY-LAWS UNDER REVIEW FOR 2014 Ms. T. Banting, Manager of By-law Services provided the Finance and Corporate Services Committee with a presentation regarding the by-laws currently under review. She noted that a review of the by-laws was requested by the mobile sign and taxi industries to ensure that current practices meet present industry standards and the needs of the community. Ms. Banting advised that the by-laws under review are as follows: · Transportation Licensing By-law (2006-265) · Sign By-law (mobile sign section only) (2005-093) Ms. Banting advised that the Transportation By-law regulates various categories including the Towing Industry, Taxi Industry and Limousine Industry and provided examples of the standards for each category. She outlined industry comments and recommendations received to date related to potential amendments to the By-law. Ms. Banting advised that the Sign By-law regulates various types of signs including mobile signs and that the mobile sign industry requested review of the mobile sign section of the by-law to meet current industry tren   Action details Not available
TMP-8440 1  Staff MemoBARRIE TRANSIT - KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UPDATE The memorandum from D. Burton, Acting Director of Facilities and Transit for the City of Barrie regarding Barrie Transit - Key Performance Indicator Update, was received. (File: T00)   Action details Not available
TMP-8519 1  Committee Report PRESENTATION AND DELIVERY OF BUSINESS CASES That the Executive Management Team (EMT) investigate opportunities address the accountability and continuity associated with the presentation and delivery of data contained in business plans related to strategic initiatives and report back to General Committee. (File: F00)   Action details Not available
14-G-119 2  Staff Report BARRIE TRANSIT SYSTEM UPDATE - FIVE (5) YEAR BUSINESS PLAN 1. That staff be directed to prepare a five (5) year business plan for Barrie Transit, known as the 2015-2020 Transit Business Plan, with the Plan to include the following elements as identified in this report: a) Fare Strategy; b) Marketing, Ridership Growth and Branding Strategy; c) Transit Customer Service Strategy; d) Financial Plan; e) Provincial Gas Tax Funding and Reserve strategy; and f) Fleet Asset Renewal Strategy. 2. That a project in the amount of $125,000 be added to the 2014 capital plan to retain external consulting services to assist with the development of the 2015-2020 Transit Business Plan and that this project be funded from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve Fund (11-05-0595). 3. That staff present the 2015-2020 Transit Business Plan to Council for approval as part of the 2015 Business Plan process. 4. That notwithstanding motion 14-G-017 as amended concerning the 2014 Business Plan: a) That Transit fares remain at the 2013 Council approved rates until May 1, 2015 pending the review    Action details Not available
TMP-8175 1  Committee Report REPORT OF THE ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATED MARCH 27, 2014. The Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated March 27, 2014 was received. (File: C05)   Action details Not available
TMP-8176 1  Committee Report REPORT OF THE TOWN AND GOWN COMMITTEE DATED MARCH 25, 2014. The Report of the Town and Gown Committee dated March 25, 2014 was received. (File: C05)   Action details Not available
TMP-8398 1  Committee Report REPORT OF THE ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATED APRIL 24, 2014. The Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated April 24, 2014 was received. (File: C05)   Action details Not available
TMP-8389 1  Staff Report INTERIM INVESTMENT STRATEGY - M. JERMEY, DEPUTY TREASURER FOR THE CITY OF BARRIE M. Jermey, Deputy Treasurer provided a memorandum to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee concerning the Interim Investment Strategy. He advised of the actions taken to date with respect to the Investment strategy, as follows: · reviewed the current City of Barrie Investment Policy · Established a High Yield Savings Account (HYSA) · Compiled research related to short term investment options · Engaged in informal discussions with investment brokers · Gathered investment policy/process information from various comparator municipalities M. Jermey noted challenges encountered related to cash flow forecasting resulting from growth planning implications and the Development Charges Background study, the limitations related to tools currently available for data collection and a limited selection of short term investment opportunities available on the market. He noted that the $200,000.00 increase to investment income benefitting the tax base will be difficult to achieve as a result o   Action details Not available