Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/11/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-A-125 2  Confirmation of MinutesADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 4, 2024 The Minutes of the City Council meeting dated December 4, 2024, were adopted as printed and circulated.Adopted as printed and circulated  Action details Not available
24-A-126 1  Committee Report General Committee Report dated December 4, 2024, Sections A, B, C and D (APPENDIX “A”).   Action details Not available
24-G-253 3  Committee Report CCREPORT OF THE FINANCE AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE DATED NOVEMBER 27, 2024.Received  Action details Not available
24-G-254 2  RecommendationRESERVE FUND - INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEEAdopted  Action details Not available
24-G-256 2  Staff Report 2025 BUSINESS PLAN AND BUDGET - CITY OPERATIONS AND INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT FUNDING PORTIONS AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey That motion 24-G-256 of Section “C” of the General Committee Report dated December 4, 2024, be amended by adding the following to paragraph 8: f) That Capital Project RP1188 - Fleet Replacement Program (Active) (page 36 of the Capital Plan) be increased by $1.6 million in 2025, $2.4 million in 2026 and $2.5 million in 2027, with the entire $6.5 million to be funded from the Fleet Management Reserve. g) That Capital Project EN1564 - Waterfront Multipurpose Youth Artificial Sports Field (page 79 of the Capital Plan) be deleted with the identified funds being transferred to a new Capital Project entitled “Downtown Barrie Sports Field and Cadet Parading Grounds” to align with motion 24-G-223 adopted by City Council on October 23, 2024 CARRIED Upon question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson and seconded by Councillor, G. Harvey the matter was CARRIED AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENT #1.Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
24-G-257 3  Committee Report CCREPORT OF THE AFFORDABILITY COMMITTEE DATED NOVEMBER 27, 2024Received  Action details Not available
24-A-127 1  Committee Report General Committee Report dated December 11, 2024, Sections A, B and C (APPENDIX “B”).   Action details Not available
24-G-258 3  Committee Report REPORT OF THE AFFORDABILITY COMMITTEE DATED DECEMBER 4, 2024   Action details Not available
24-G-259 2  RecommendationDOORS OPEN BARRIEAdopted  Action details Not available
24-G-260 3  Staff Report PROPOSED OR PENDING DISPOSITION OF LAND MATTER - SURPLUS PROPERTYAdopted  Action details Not available
24-G-261 2  Staff Report WATERFRONT PROPERTY ACQUISITION (WARDS 1 AND 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
24-G-262 3  Staff Report PROPOSED OR PENDING DISPOSITION OF LAND MATTER - SURPLUS PROPERTY That staff undertake the direction identified in Appendix “A” to Staff Report LGL006-24 concerning the confidential disposition of property shown on Appendix “B” on terms and conditions contained in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached as Appendix “C” including a further condition that the Agreement of Purchase and Sale be amended to provide the balance of the purchase price net of deposits and subject to adjustments be paid to the Seller on completion by certified cheque. (LGL006-24)Adopted  Action details Not available
24-A-128 2  Presentation - CCPRESENTATION CONCERNING HEMSON CONSULTING - JOINT LAND NEEDS ANALYSIS - STAGE 2 Stefan Krzeczunowicz from Hemson Consulting provided a presentation regarding the Joint Land Needs Analysis and Study - Stage 2. Mr. Krzeczunowicz discussed slides concerning the following topics: · The key questions being addressed in the Joint Land Needs Study; · The employment area land needs assessment; · Barrie’s Employment Area Land Needs; · Oro-Medonte’s Employment Area Land Needs; · Barrie’s proposal to Oro-Medonte; · A map illustrating Springwater’s employment area land needs; · A map illustrating Barrie’s proposal to Springwater; · The employment area land needs assessment summary; · An overview of the Community Area Land Needs Assessment; · Graph charts illustrating the following: o Population Growth in Simcoe Census Division between 2001 to 2023; o Barries Housing Growth Potential is high but like elsewhere in GGH, current growth is slow; and o Barrie’s 2051 Municipal Comprehensive Review Housing Forecast; · The key questions related to Barrie Community Area Land NeedReceived  Action details Not available
24-A-129 1  Direct MotionMOTION WITHOUT NOTICE - JOINT LAND NEEDS ASSESSMENT Moved by: Councillor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey That pursuant to Section 7.1 of Procedural By-law 2019-100 as amended, permission be granted to introduce a motion without notice concerning Joint Land Needs Assessment.Adopted  Action details Not available
24-A-130 1  Direct MotionJOINT LAND NEEDS ASSESSMENT Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey WHEREAS The City of Barrie, is forecast to experience significant population and employment growth to 2051; AND WHEREAS to address this growth, Hemson Consulting was jointly retained to evaluate the need for additional employment and residential lands at the boundaries of City of Barrie/Town of Springwater and City of Barrie/Township of Oro-Medonte; AND WHEREAS the findings of Joint Needs Analysis and Study Stage 1 and 2 completed by Hemson Consulting determined that the there is a need for an additional 930 hectares (2298 acres) of land for comprehensive community/employment area uses and residential development in the City of Barrie which could be addressed through a boundary adjustment; AND WHEREAS the study findings, of the vacant lands within the City of Barrie were identified, the natural heritage areas that exist within these vacant lands, with several of the parcels of land being vacant within Barrie’s existing boundary as a result of them being undevelopable was not Adopted  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2024-138 1  By-lawA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2018-129 as amended, being a by-law to establish a Municipal Accommodation Tax. (24-G-240) (Tourism Barrie and City of Barrie Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Collection Agreement Renewal and Update of Associated By-laws) (ECD010-24)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2024-139 1  By-lawBill #139 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2019-022 as amended, being a by-law to establish a Municipal Accommodation Tax (Internet-Based Accommodation Sharing Platforms. (24-G-240) (Tourism Barrie and City of Barrie Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Collection Agreement Renewal and Update of Associated By-laws) (ECD010-24)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2024-140 1  By-lawBill #140 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to provide for an interim tax levy on all property classes in the City of Barrie. (13-G-316) (2025 Interim Tax By-law)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2024-141 1  By-lawBill #141 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 11th day of December, 2024.   Action details Not available