Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/28/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
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14-A-046 2  Student/Mayor ItemCOMMENTS FROM OUTGOING STUDENT MAYOR Matthew Merrifield of St. Joseph’s Catholic High School thanked Council for the opportunity provided to students to learn about the work that is done by City Council. He commented that he is astonished at the hard work, time, dedication and thought that goes into ensuring that all plans present and future are in the best interest of Barrie. Matthew observed that the Student Mayor position isn’t just an honourary position, as students his age are nearing voting age. He discussed the importance of voter participation by youth for the success of the community. Matthew commented that when members of Council were his age, technology was not as prevalent and he wondered about the tools and challenges that will be faced 25 years from now. He noted that the Council discussions and decision related to expenditures concerning long term city debt was well thought out and will lessen the financial burdens on future generations. Matthew discussed how the actions and decisions of Council’s predecessors from the 1800s established the planning for BaTerm Completed  Action details Not available
14-A-047 2  Student/Mayor ItemSWEARING IN OF NEW STUDENTS MAYORS Wendy Cooke, Deputy City Clerk called upon Elizabeth Case of Innisdale Secondary School and Ben Gilbart of Monsignor Clair Catholic School to be sworn into office as Student Mayor. After being sworn into office, Elizabeth and Ben assumed their seats on to the dias next to Mayor Lehman. Dawn McAlpine, City Clerk introduced the members of Council to Elizabeth and Ben. She noted that members of City staff and representatives of the community’s media were also in attendance.Sworn In  Action details Not available
14-A-048 1  Confirmation of MinutesADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON APRIL 7, 2014. The minutes of the City Council meeting held on April 7, 2014 were adopted as printed and circulated.Adopted as printed and circulated  Action details Not available
14-A-049 2  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION BY MAYOR LEHMAN AND FIRE CHIEF LYNN OF CERTIFICATES OF COMMENDATION TO JOHN WAYNE CARGOE, BENJAMIN LEROUX AND MATTHEW RICHARD MONKMAN FOR PROVIDING THEIR ASSISTANCE TO OTHERS IN A SELFLESS MANNER ON LAKE SIMCOE, NEAR BIG BAY POINT ROAD ON MARCH 9, 2012. John Lynn, Fire Chief advised that he was pleased to once again, be able to recognize Firefighters, John Cargo, Matt Monkman and Ben LeRoux of the Barrie Fire and Emergency Service, for their heroic actions during the Lake Simcoe ice rescue in March of 2012, which resulted in the saving of 26 stranded people on an ice flow. Chief Lynn commented that he was pleased to inform Council that all 5 firefighters involved in the Lake Simcoe Ice Rescue were nominated to receive the Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery. In the Fall 2013, the Ontario Government awarded the medal of bravery, which was presented by the Honourable Lieutenant Governor David Onley to the three firefighters who remained on the ice flow until all members of the public were rescued. Chief Lynn noted that the public nominated the five members oReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-050 1  Presentation - AC/RCRECOGNITION OF UNESCO’S WORLD POETRY DAY AND NATIONAL POETRY MONTH. Mayor Lehman called upon Dr. Bruce Meyer, Poet Laureate to recite a poem in recognition of National Poetry Month. Dr. Meyer commented that there is a reminder of the waste of war at the Grey and Simcoe Foresters Regimental Museum on Mulcaster Street. He noted that the Museum display includes a watch which was all that was sent home from Arthur Ardagh’s belongings. He indicated that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One. Dr. Meyer announced that he has written a new book of Poetry Book entitled “Testing the Elements” and he recited a poem from the book, inspired by his visit to the Museum, entitled “Forage Gaps” (attached as Appendix “A” to the minutes) Mayor Lehman thanked Dr. Meyer for sharing the evocative poem. Mayor Lehman advised that the Mayor of Regina, Saskatchewan had initiated a Mayor’s Poetry City Challenge in 2013 to have a local poet read at a City Council meeting as part of UNESCO’s World Poetry Day or National Poetry Month.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-051 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY DWAYNE DAVIDSON REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Dwayne Davidson to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. Dwayne Davidson was not present to either confirm or provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-052 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY DAVE HUBER REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Dave Huber to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. Dave Huber was not present to either confirm or provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-053 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY MILDRED DAVIAU REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Mildred Daviau to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on her behalf and that her deputation was withdrawn. Mildred Daviau confirmed that her deputation was withdrawn and Mr. Williams would be speaking on her behalf.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-054 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY FAYE PILLAR REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Faye Pillar to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on her behalf and that her deputation was withdrawn. Faye Pillar confirmed that her deputation was withdrawn and Mr. Williams would be speaking on her behalf.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-055 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY WILLIAM GARNER REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon William Garner to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. William Garner was not present to either confirm or provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-056 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY DIANNE BROWN REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Dianne Brown to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on her behalf and that her deputation was withdrawn. Dianne Brown confirmed that her deputation was withdrawn and Mr. Williams would be speaking on her behalf.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-057 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY MIKE SCHONEVELD REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Mike Schoneveld to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. Mike Schoneveld confirmed that his deputation was withdrawn and Mr. Williams would be speaking on his behalf.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-058 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY PETER KOSTIUK REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Peter Kostiuk to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. Peter Kostiuk was not present to either confirm or provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-059 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY PENNY JENKS REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Penny Jenks to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on her behalf and that her deputation was withdrawn. Penny Jenks confirmed that her deputation was withdrawn and Mr. Williams would be speaking on her behalf.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-060 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY JOHN ROSART REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon John Rosart to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. John Rosart was not present to either confirm or provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-061 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY PETER WILLIAMS REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Peter Williams to confirm that Mr. Williams was permitted to speak on his behalf and that his deputation was withdrawn. Peter Williams confirmed that his deputation was withdrawn and Mr. Williams would be speaking on his behalf.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-062 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY JACK HARKNESS REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Jack Harkness provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Harkness advised that he was also speaking on behalf of P. Kurtz, C. Basinger, K. Campbell and J. Spencer, residents in the vicinity of 196 Burton Avenue. He commented that they remained concerned regarding the single in/out access at Holgate Street/Robinson Street due to the traffic impact they believe this will cause in the neighbourhood. Mr. Harkness discussed his concerns that the proposal provides for motorists from over 300 dwellings from Holgate, Bailey, Kelly, Robinson Streets and the proposed Parkshore Village, as well as any supplemental or emergency traffic to converge at this one intersection. He commented that thReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-063 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY DON MACNEIL REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Don MacNeil provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. MacNeil discussed his concerns related to the application, primarily related to the displacement of residents at Burton Park. He suggested that Section 99.1 of the Municipal Act provided Council with the ability to prohibit or regulate the demolition of rental properties. Mr. MacNeil suggested that City Council consider deferring consideration of the application until the Affordable Housing Strategy is complete.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-064 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY LAURIE O’TOOLE REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Ms. Laurie O’Toole provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Ms. O’Toole expressed concerns related to the amount of compensation provided to the residents for the loss of their homes. She commented concerning the residents being left homeless, as well as the impact on the neighbourhood and the health of the residents. Ms. O’Toole stated that she feels the City should be able to do more to assist the residents.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-065 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY DOREEN ANDERSON REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Ms. Laurie O’Toole provided a deputation on behalf of Doreen Anderson in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Ms. O’Toole read from correspondence provided by Ms. Anderson related to the impacts of the eviction notices on her health and her neighbourhood. Ms. Anderson’s concerns related to the amount of compensation being provided to the residents by the developer in comparison to the residents’ investments and costs to relocate or demolish the trailers were also identified.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-066 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY SHANNON MELANSON REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Shannon Melanson to provide a deputation. Shannon Melanson was not present to provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-067 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY LUIGI FERRARA, DEAN OF GEORGE BROWN SCHOOL OF THE ARTS AND DESIGN AND THE INSTITUTE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES, SUSAN SPEIGEL OF SUSAN SPEIGEL ARCHITECT INC. AND MONICA CONTRERAS, OCAD UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Ms. Susan Speigel, Susan Speigel Architect Inc. provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). She advised that she was speaking on behalf of Luigi Ferrara, Dean of George Brown School of Arts and Design and the Institute without Boundaries and Ms. Monica Contreras, OCAD University Professor. Ms. Spiegel noted that the residents had retained the Institute without Boundaries to work on their behalf. She commented that the Institute without Boundaries in conjunction with the Canadian Mortgage and Housing CorporationReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-068 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY ADIL OUZI REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Adil Ouzi to provide a deputation. Adil Ouzi was not present to provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-069 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY HEIDI FORMAN REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Ms. Heidi Forman to come to the podium. Ms. Forman was not in attendance at the meeting.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-070 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY STANLEY FORMAN REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon Stanley Forman to provide a deputation. Stanley Forman was not present to provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-071 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY FRANK FANUZZI REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Frank Fanuzzi provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Fanuzzi raised concerns with respect to the fact that a by-law under Section 99.1 of the Municipal Act related to prohibiting or regulating the demolition and/or conversion of residential rental properties had not be enacted in the past. He questioned why such a by-law would not be able to be applied to this property retroactively. Mr. Fanuzzi discussed the impact of the proposed development on the residents at Burton Park. He noted that he feels that the policy matters can’t be separated from the people, as people are the cornerstone of the community. Mr. Fanuzzi questioned the rationale associated with redevelopment ofReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-072 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY KELLY ANNE MANNING REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Ms. Kelly Anne Manning provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Ms. Manning spoke about her family’s history in Barrie dating back to the mid-1800s and the importance of ethics in decision-making. She discussed her concerns related to the residents of Burton Park not being able to relocate their trailers anywhere. Ms. Manning requested that the redevelopment plans not proceed until the compensation of the residents and the relocation of the trailers is addressed. In closing, Ms. Manning requested that Council make her proud of Barrie again.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-073 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY COLIN WILSON REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Colin Wilson provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). He advised that he was speaking on behalf of the Allandale Neighbourhood Association and that Burton Park has been the heart of this community for over 60 years. He expressed his disappointment with the decision to approve the application at General Committee on April 14, 2014. Mr. Wilson commented that he appreciates the analysis that went into investigating Section 99.1 of the Municipal Act and the related powers of the municipality. He commented that approving the application should not be about process as the application will be considered by the Ontario Municipal Board and will be resolved at that level. Mr. Wilson requested Received  Action details Not available
14-A-074 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY FERN MAIN REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Ms. Fern Main provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Ms. Main observed that she loves her community and the mobile park is a very important part of it. She stated her concerns related to the health issues that she believes have resulted from the issuance of the eviction notices, the lack of time the residents have been given to vacate the park, and the financial impacts on the residents. Ms. Main suggested that all parties continue to work together on a solution that will benefit everyone. Ms. Main also discussed her concerns related to the additional traffic, parking and pedestrian safety that she believes will result from the proposed development. In closing, Ms. Main noted her sadneReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-075 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY FRANK RUFFOLO REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Frank Ruffolo provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Ruffolo commented that he had moved into the park in 2005 and was promised by the owner that the park would be there for 39 years. He stated that he had spent a lot of money renovating his trailer and now he is in debt.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-076 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY SCOT SMITH REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Scot Smith provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Smith provided quotes from correspondence received from the Premier’s Office discussing the importance of protecting the stock of affordable housing and the authority for municipalities to enact by-laws under Section 99.1 of the Municipal Act to prohibit and regulate the demolition and conversion of rental properties. He commented that the timing of the Ontario Municipal Board hearing will be too late to assist the residents of the trailer park. Mr. Smith advised that he had moved to the Burton Avenue Trailer Park in the spring of 2013 and within a few months, he had received an eviction notice which has left him with nowhReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-077 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY COLIN WILSON ON BEHALF OF CATHY COLEBATCH REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Colin Wilson provided a deputation on behalf of Cathy Colebatch in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Wilson read from correspondence provided by Ms. Colebatch noting that she was requesting Council to reconsider the recommendation related to the application. Mr. Wilson noted that Ms. Colebatch had identified outstanding issues to be addressed including the planning justification as the application had not met the policies associated with intensification. She commented that the plan calls for approximately the same number of units as currently exists, while removing affordable housing stock. Ms. Colebatch requested that Council vote against the application and subdiReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-078 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY J. PATON REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mayor Lehman called upon J. Paton to provide a deputation. J. Paton was not present to provide the deputation.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-079 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY TERRY DENIS REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Terry Denis provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Denis commented on his past experiences with a previous trailer that was destroyed by fire and that he had been allowed to move back to the site after recently purchasing a new trailer for his lot. He discussed his concerns with the compensation being provided by the owner to relocate as it only covers a small fraction of the costs of moving. Mr. Denis stated that he is unable to find another location for his trailer.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-080 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY ERIK BRIX REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Erik Brix provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Brix indicated that most of his concerns had been addressed by previous speakers. He discussed his concerns related to information reported in a newspaper indicating that the development charges would be waived if the site was redeveloped. Mayor Lehman and City staff provided clarification regarding the application of development charges.Received  Action details Not available
14-A-081 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY A PREPRESENTATIVE OF THE SIMCOE COUNTY ALLOIANCE TO END HOMELESSNESS REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Ms. Sara Peddle of the Simcoe County Alliance Against Homelessness provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Ms. Peddle noted that the Burton Avenue Trailer Park is a unique, non-subsidized affordable housing community with many seniors who have made significant investments in their trailers. She reviewed the definitions of affordable housing in the draft City of Barrie Affordable Housing Strategy. Ms. Peddle provided information regarding the number of individuals on the waitlist for affordable housing. She commented regarding the limited affordable housing options currently available and indicated that the loss of the Burton Avenue Received  Action details Not available
14-A-082 1  Staff Report DEPUTATION BY JAMES MALLYON REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. James Mallyon provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Mallyon identified concerns regarding the traffic impact of a single entrance and suggested that a minimum of two access points be provided. Mr. Mallyon discussed his experience with both visiting relatives and living at the Burton Avenue Trailer Park. He noted that when he and his wife decided to move to the park, they were told that it would remain for 20 to 25 years and as such, he had made significant investments in his trailer and the surrounding property. He commented that his wife had to delay surgery to address the eviction notices and their relocation. In closing Mr. Mallyon expressed his fondness for the AllandReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-083 1  DeputationDEPUTATION BY RONALD WILLIAMS REGARDING MOTION 14-G-096, REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8). Mr. Ronald Williams provided a deputation in opposition to motion 14-G-096 regarding the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8). Mr. Williams commented on his concerns related to the potential loss of green space in the area if the development proceeds. He discussed the tenants’ experiences at the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal related to maintenance issues and noted that the eviction notice was issued a few weeks after the latest Tribunal decision. Mr. Williams stated that he believes that the eviction notices are illegal. He thanked the organizers of the charette and requested that Council consider deferring the matter to provide time for the charette report to be used to assist residents in the trailer park. Mr. Williams commented that he understaReceived  Action details Not available
14-A-084 1  Tax ApplicationAPPLICATION FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR ADDITION TO TAXES TO COUNCIL DATED APRIL 28, 2014 IN THEA MOUNT OF 6,782.19.Adopted  Action details Not available
14-A-085 1  Committee Report First General Committee Report dated April 14, 2014, Sections A and B.Adopted  Action details Not available
14-A-086 1  Committee Report Second General Committee Report dated April 14, 2014, Sections A, B, C, D and E.Adopted  Action details Not available
14-G-087 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED MARCH 26, 2014. The report of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee dated March 26, 2014, was received. (File: C05)Received  Action details Not available
14-G-088 1  Committee Report 2013 COUNCIL RENUMERATION 1. That the 2013 Council Remuneration Report outlining expenses for members of Council be posted immediately within the Mayor and Council section of the City of Barrie website. 2. That staff in the Finance Department prepare a report to General Committee regarding implementation of quarterly reporting of Council expenses effective the 2014-2018 term of Council. (File: F00)Adopted  Action details Not available
14-G-089 2  Committee Report SUNNIDALE PARK PLAYGROUND (WARD 4)Adopted  Action details Not available
14-G-090 2  Committee Report PUERTO PRINCESSA, PHILLIPINES TWINNING COMMITTEEAdopted  Action details Not available
14-G-092 3  Staff Report LEASE OF 60 BELL FARM ROAD, UNIT 1 (BARRIE POLICE SERVICES)Adopted  Action details Not available
14-G-093 3  Item of DiscussionREPORTING ON THE CARIBBEAN LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMAdopted  Action details Not available
14-G-096 3  Staff Report REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8) AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, A. Khan Seconded by: Councillor, A. Nuttall That motion 14-G-096 of Section "D" of the Second General Committee Report dated April 14, 2014 concerning the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8) be amended by: a) Deleting 2 a) and replacing it with the following: "2. a) That condition 1 be deleted it its entirety and replaced with the following: "1 The owner/developer shall prepare the Final Plan of Subdivision on the basis of the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision, prepared by Rudy Mak Surveying Ltd., File No. 10892, dated revised Sept. 27, 2013, which illustrates Blocks 1-16 for Street Townhouses, Block 17 for Commercial, a road and a Future Medium Density Residential Block." b) Adding the following to paragraph 2: " 2. d) That condition 3 Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
14-A-087 1  Committee Report General Committee Report dated April 22, 2014, Sections A, B, C and D.Adopted  Action details Not available
14-G-098 2  Staff Report DELEGATED AUTHORITY TO GRANT EASEMENTS OVER CITY OWNED PROPERTYAdopted  Action details Not available
14-G-099 1  Staff Report OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 41 - MINOR HOUSEKEEPING CHANGES TO THE 2009 OFFICIAL PLANAdopted  Action details Not available
14-G-101 3  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION BY WATSON & ASSOCIATES ECONOMISTS LTD. REGARDING THE SECONDARY PLANS AND MASTER PLANS FISCAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Gary Scandlan of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. provided a presentation to General Committee concerning the Secondary Plans and Master Plans Fiscal Impact Assessment. He introduced the presentation with a comment that the same presentation had been provided to the Stakeholders as the basis for negotiations, and that as negotiations have progressed minor refinements to the plan have been made which have resulted in a minor difference to the overall impact. Mr. Scandlan discussed the studies and interviews that formed the basis of the fiscal impact analysis as well as the aspects the fiscal impact analysis is addressing. He reviewed the process for assessing the fiscal impacts of growth for tax rates as well as water and wastewater rates. Mr. Scandlan highlighted the growth forecasts for the City of Barrie by 2031 in population, housing unit, gross floor area and employment increases for the built boundary and annexed lands. He provided Received  Action details Not available
14-G-102 3  Staff Report WATER OPERATIONS BRANCH 2014 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM FINANCIAL PLAN AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, M. Prowse Seconded by: Councillor, J. Brassard That motion 14-G-102 of Section “D” of the General Committee Report dated April 22, 2014, concerning the Water Operations Branch 2014 Drinking Water System Financial Plan be amended by adding the following to the end of the sentence in paragraph 1: “with a revision to the proposed water rate increase for 2015 to replace the proposed 9% increase in water rates with a 2.5% increase, and all necessary changes to the plan to give effect to such change.” Upon question of adoption of the original motion, moved by Councillor, B. Ainsworth and seconded by Councillor, A. Nuttall, the motion was CARRIED AS AMENDED by Amendment #1.Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
14-A-088 1  Committee Report General Committee Report dated April 28, 2014.Adopted  Action details Not available
14-G-103 2  Staff Report 36 MULCASTER STREET - CLARIFICATION TO OPTION TO PURCHASEAdopted  Action details Not available
14-G-104 3  Staff Report SEA CADETS SITEAdopted  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-038 1  By-LawBill #031 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A. #33). (13-G-197 and 14-G-091) (L.J. Mapleview Inc.) (Official Plan Amendment and Amendment to the Zoning By-law to Permit the Development of Single Detached Dwellings through a Plan of Subdivision - 411 Mapleview Drive East - Ward 8) (PLN004-14) (File: D09-OPA33, D14-1559, D12-407) (14-A-044) (14-G-044)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-039 1  By-LawBill #036 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 89-86 being a by-law to designate private roadways as Emergency Fire Routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted. (05-G-514) (Fire Routes - 149 Live Eight Way- Park Place - LA Fitness, 204 Alva Street - Patterson Place Residences, 72 The Queensway - Hyde Park Public School, 31,41,43,45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55 and 57 Ferndale Drive South - SCC376 Manhattan, 831 Big Bay Point Road - 1779926 Ontario Inc., 221 Harvie Road - SSCC390 Southwoods, 504 Big Bay Point Road - Bibles for Missions, 132 Edgehill Drive - Waterford Retirement Community and 201 Georgian Drive - Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre) (CLK105-05) (File: P19-FI)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-040 1  By-LawBill #040 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (By-law 99-312) (Fernwood Developments - 85 Sydenham Wells formerly 254 Penetanguishene Road) (File: D14-1538)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-041 1  By-LawBill #041 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to acquire Part of the North Half of Lot 10, Concession 12, formerly Township of Innisfil, now City of Barrie, County of Simcoe designated as Parts 1 & 2 on Plan 51R-38524 from Doug Murdoch Enterprises Limited and to establish same as part of the municipal highway system. (By-law 99-312) (Doug Murdoch Enterprises - 199 Big Bay Point Road) (File: D11-1397)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-042 1  By-LawBill #042 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A. #3). (14-G-074) (Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment - 3251586 Canada Inc. - 39 and 49 Madelaine Drive and 100 Dean Avenue - Ward 9) (PLN010-14) (File: D14-1496, D09-OPA033)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-043 1  By-LawBill #045 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (13-G-197 and 14-G-091) (L.J. Mapleview Inc.) (Official Plan Amendment and Amendment to the Zoning By-law to Permit the Development of Single Detached Dwellings through a Plan of Subdivision - 411 Mapleview Drive East - Ward 8) (PLN004-14) (File: D09-OPA33, D14-1559, D12-407) (14-A-044) (14-G-044)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-044 1  By-LawBill #046 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (14-G-074) (Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment - 3251586 Canada Inc. - 39 and 49 Madelaine Drive and 100 Dean Avenue - Ward 9) (PLN010-14) (File: D14-1496, D09-OPA033)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
By-law 2014-045 1  By-LawBill #047 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 28th day of April, 2014.Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available