Meeting Name: Finance and Corporate Services Committee (inactive) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/19/2013 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-6363 1  Presentation - AC/RC2012 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Craig Millar, Deputy Treasurer provided the Committee with an overview of the 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements. He described the elements of municipal financial statements and the related key measures. Mr. Millar reviewed the City’s Consolidated Statements, Financial Position, the Consolidated Statement of Operations and Accumulated Surplus, Statement of Change in Net Debt and Statement of Cash Flows and reviewed the key indicators providing an explanation of changes from 2011. Members of the Committee asked a number of questions related to the information provided and received responses from the presenter and City staff. (File: F00)   Action details Not available
TMP-6459 1  Committee Report YEAR END COMMUNICATION - DELOITTE LLP Paula Jesty, Partner, Deloitte LLP reviewed the year-end communication on the audit of the 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements with the Committee. She noted that the report summarized the findings from the audit which was conducted in accordance with the Audit Plan presented to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee in December 2012. Ms. Jesty reviewed key elements of the Audit including details of the following aspects: · Audit scope · Status of audit · Audit risks · Use of the work experts · Internal control · Fraud and illegal acts · Legal and regulatory compliance · Significant accounting policies · Management judgment and accounting estimates · Audit adjustments and uncorrected misstatements · Adjusted and unadjusted disclosure deficiencies · Post-balance sheet events · Related party transactions · Representations letter · Independence Ms. Jesty concluded by commenting that it is the auditor’s opinion that the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial   Action details Not available
13-G-176 1  Committee Report 2012 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS   Action details Not available
13-G-177 2  Committee Report WARD BOUNDARY REVIEW   Action details Not available
TMP-6450 1  Committee Report REPORT OF THE TOWN AND GOWN COMMITTEE DATED MAY 28, 2013. The Report of the Town and Gown Committee dated May 28, 2013 was received. (File: C05)   Action details Not available