a) Circular Economy
The team lead provided an update that the group met with City staff regarding event waste management. The group and City staff have a pilot project starting on Sunday regarding adding more multi waste bins downtown and adding signage around the appropriate recycling methods. They had a conversation with staff around how to avoid long term waste and a deposit return system. The group is working on a pilot project to open more repair café’s downtown. The working group has a meeting booked with Georgian College next week to get the college involve with the Bike Café’s.
b) Building, Energy, and Housing
No updates provided.
c) Food Productions and Security
The group advised that they are going to reach out to Stephanie Wideman, City Staff, regarding the outdoor community gardens, the new City greenhouse being constructed and seeing if a seedbank can be created in the new greenhouse for citizens.
d) Active and Non-Active Transportation
The team lead provided an update with respect to the group attending the recent public meeting regarding the new City Zoning By-law - Draft 3. The team lead advised that one of the main focuses at the meeting was related to parking and making sure enough parking is available for each new dwelling being built. Advised that the bicycle parking was not a requirement before but is now under the new by-law. This new by-law also references Electric Vehicles and new developments being EV ready by having all wiring in place.
e) Environment and Nature
No update provided as the committee ran out of time to discuss. Chair, Councillor Kungl advised that this item would be moved to the top of the working groups update on the November agenda.