Whereas the City of Barrie believes it has a responsibility to its residents to enforce its by-laws to ensure safe and accessible public spaces for the community at large;
And Whereas in paragraph 76 of the Ontario Superior Court Decision Heegsma vs Hamilton of December 23, 2024 cites “that the life and security of the applicants (the park occupants) are not put at risk by enforcement of the by-law. They are put at risk by homelessness with encampments contributing to this risk. They are lawless, dangerous and unsanitary”;
And Whereas past Ontario Superior Court decisions including the Regional Municipality of Waterloo of January 27, 2023 vs Persons Unknown and City of Kingston vs Doe of November 24, 2023 have established that evicting individuals from encampments without providing adequate shelter options violates their rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, consequently, the City of Barrie is unable to enforce by-laws that prohibit camping in public spaces if doing so would be unconstitutional;
And Whereas there are approximately 12 known encampments in the City of Barrie with over 100 occupants;
And Whereas in the City of Barrie there is shortage of affordable housing, social housing supports and temporary shelters beds for those living in encampments;
And Whereas the County of Simcoe has submitted a funding application to the Province of Ontario for funding under the Encampment Response Initiative to support an increase shelter capacity, restoration of public lands at key encampments and to provision of wraparound support with their partnering organizations;
And Whereas to be considered for this funding from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing a written pledge from the County was required noting that funding received would be put towards ending encampments by providing housing options for those experiencing homelessness;
And Whereas as a result of signing the pledge by Warden Clarke, the County of Simcoe is also eligible to receive top-up funding from the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit to support transition individuals from shelter programs into longer-term housing to free up space to address immediate shelter needs of individuals in encampments;
And Whereas if the County is successful in this funding application, the City of Barrie would benefit from additional shelter spaces and possible funding for restoration of public spaces
Now Therefore Be It Resolved:
1. That the Council of the City of Barrie endorse and support the County of Simcoe’s application to the Province of Ontario for funding under the Encampment Response Initiative; and
2. That Mayor Nuttall on behalf of City Council send correspondence to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and housing advising of Council’s support of this important funding application.
Sponsor: Mayor, A. Nuttall