File #: CLK001-110110    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Carried
File created: 1/10/2011 In control: City Clerk's Office
On agenda: 1/10/2011 Final action: 1/10/2011
Attachments: 1. CLK001-110110.pdf
Related files: 16-G-192
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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The City of


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January 10, 2011












That the Staff Report entitled "Post-Elect Report - 2010 Municipal Election Accessibility Initiatives"

be received for information purposes.


2. In December of 2009, Bill 212 numerous amendments to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 were

adopted. Included within the amendments were changes to promote greater accessibility for

voters and candidates with disabilities. Requirements for each voting place to be accessible to

voters with disabilities and a report post election on accessibility measures implemented were

included in the changes.

3. Section 12.1 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, states that

"a Clerk who is responsible for conducting an election shall have regard to the needs of electors

and candidates with disabilities and shall within 90 days after voting day, in a regular election,

submit a report to Council about the identification, removal and prevention of barriers that affect

electors and candidates with disabilities."

4. The City Clerk is responsible for conducting Municipal Elections in accordance with the Municipal

Elections Act, 1996, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 and the Accessibility for Ontarians

with Disabilities Act, 2005.

The purpose of this report is to describe the procedures and measures established by the Clerk to

ensure that persons with disabilities had the opportunity to participate fully in the 2010 Municipal



6. The City of Barrie is committed to providing exceptional and accessible service for its customers.

Goods and services will be provided in a manner that is based upon the principles of dignity,

independence, integration and equal opportunity to all its customers. The City's 2010 Municipal

Election Accessibility Plan highlighted a number of initiatives that were undertaken by the City to

provide an election that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities while

maintaining the integrity of the election process.The City of



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An overview of the actions taken to identify as well as remove and prevent barriers, comments

regarding the actions and considerations for the 2014 Municipal Election has been included as

Appendix "A" to this Staff Report.

The City of Barrie's Accessibility Advisory Committee was a valuable resource in the development

of the 2010 Municipal Plan. The Committee provided positive and constructive input concerning

the plan and any initiatives to reach out to the electorate. The Committee members completed a

demonstration with the election equipment to ensure its suitability for use in the 2010 Municipal


In general, there was little public feedback regarding election accessibility initiatives. The majority

of the comments received regarding accessibility initiatives were very positive. One request was

received to add the digits associated with 728-VOTE in the City's advertising materials. Upon

receipt of the request, all remaining advertising was updated to address the request.

10. The following information is an overview of the actions taken to identify, remove and prevent

barriers that impacting electors and candidates with disabilities:


11. There are no environmental matters related to the recommendation to receive this report.


12. As this report is being presented for information purposes only, no alternatives are presented.


13. There are no direct financial implications associated with the recommendation to receive this



14. 2010-2014 Council's Strategic Priorities have not been established as of the time of writing of this

report. The City of


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Appendix "A"

Identification of Barriers

The following actions were undertaken to identify barriers that impact electors and candidates with


Action Comments Considerations for 2014

Reviewed and obtained input Committee provided advice and Continue process for 2014

on the 2010 Municipal Elections guidance that assisted in Municipal Election.

Accessibility Plan from the developing and delivering a

Accessibility Advisory comprehensive plan through two

Committee. meetings.

Created an accessibility Checklist was very effective for Continue to use checklist for

checklist with input from the identifying any challenges with review of 2014 voting

Accessibility Advisory potential locations and determining locations with any additional

Committee for use when the final voting locations as well as insight on criteria as

conducting site visits of each any measures that would be determined by best practices

voting location (Appendix "B"). required to mitigate any and the Accessibility

accessibility concerns. Advisory Committee,

specifically related to

additional specifications.

Assessed voting equipment to Issued Request for Information A review of available

ensure it met the needs of the regarding alternative voting and technology will be completed

electorate. vote counting technology, in 2013 to determine

Reviewed technology with methods to be utilized for the

Committee. Touch screen voting 2014 Municipal Election.

equipment was selected and a

demonstration completed with

Accessibility Advisory Committee

to ensure it was acceptable.

Reviewed past election Evaluation of previous election Post-election review meeting

practices to identify any risk to assisted in determination of has taken place with the

accessibility of candidates and potential voting locations for 2010 development of initial notes

electors and identified the as well as additional accessibility for 2014 Municipal Election.

impact of the risk and measures.

developed measures to

minimize the risk.The City of



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Removal and Prevention of Barriers

The following actions were undertaken to remove and prevent barriers that impact electors and

candidates with disabilities:

Communications and Information

Action Comments Considerations for 2014

Offered communication There were no requests for Continue process for the

initiatives and information for information in alternate formats. 2014 Municipal Election.

candidates and electors were Additional accessibility

available in alternate formats. features will be included on

the City's new website.

Posted all information to A separate Accessibility Enhance and improve

municipality's website including Information webpage under the information available on the

links to: a Candidates Guide to 2010 Municipal Elections site was City's website for the 2014

Accessible Elections, produced developed with links to the 2010 Municipal Election.

jointly by the Association of Municipal Election Accessibility

Municipal Managers, Clerk's Plan as well as resources from the

and Treasurer's of Ontario as Association of Municipal Managers,

well as other related material. Clerk's and Treasurer's of Ontario

and the Provincial guides for


Enlisted input from the Advice from Accessibility Advisory Continue to utilize expertise

Accessibility Advisory Committee as well as input from of Committee and

Committee as well as Canadian individual members was used to organizations supporting

National Institute of the Blind finalize communications materials individuals with disabilities in

(CNIB) related to ballot format and the ballot. CNIB information future elections. For the

and various communications specifically utilized for ballot purposes of the 2014

materials, design. Municipal Election, provide

presentations to various

organizations as a further

means of communicating to

the electorate.

Provided candidates and staff Information was made available on Enhance and improve

with information relating to the City's website related to information available on the

accessible customer service accessible customer service City's website for the 2014

including a variety of quick Municipal Election.

reference guides. A specific staff

training session was held related to

accessible customer service for all

election officials.

Provided info to Candidates The City of Barrie's "What's New Continue to utilize the

regarding Campaign Expenses for 2010" information kit included candidate information kits to

and particular rules affecting details any election expenses provide details concerning

disabled candidates incurred as a result of a disability, election expenses incurred

In addition, copies of the Ministry of as a result of a disability.

Municipal Affairs and Housing's

Candidate contained detailed

information related to expenses.

Both documents were provided to

candidates. The City of



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Voting Locations

Action Comments Considerations for 2014

Conducted site visits of all Greeters were hired to provide Review alternative locations

potential voting locations to assistance at voting locations that in 2014 that offer a push

ensure accessibility based on did not offer a push button button automatic door

checklist requirements automatic door opener at the opener at the building

(Attached as Appendix "B"). building entrance. Doors were entrance, in addition to all

opened for every voter, other accessibility features.

Expand checklist criteria for


Provided accessible voting Audio ballots were provided on 2014 equipment/technology

equipment at each permanent every machine, at every location, should be selected to ensure

voting location, on all voting In addition, the size of the text on that accessible features are

days. the ballots was increased to available at each location, on

enhance readability, all voting days.

Provided a voting opportunity at Offering a voting opportunity within Expand in 2014 if feasible to

individual buildings with 100 or the buildings with 100 units or smaller buildings.

more dwelling units to increase greater was very well received. A

accessibility, number of individuals commented

that they would not have voted


Provided appropriate signage at Mobile signs were rented to identify Utilize mobile signage in

voting locations, voting locations as well as voting 2014 with signs at each

dates and times. The signs were location.

highly visible and very effective.

Permitted service animals and Election staff were trained to Continue process for the

support persons in all voting ensure that service animals would 2014 Municipal Election.

locations, be permitted. Confirmation

received from each voting location

regarding access for service


Ensured designated or Confirmed accessible parking Continue process for 2014

reserved parking for persons spaces were available as part of Municipal Election.

with disabilities at each voting site checklist.


Provided Barrie Transit/BACTS Posted information on buses Continue process for 2014

passes to attend voting location regarding voting and promoted Municipal Election.

as part of voter notification transit as an alternative means to

information letter. reach voting locations.

Voting locations set up to allow Distance between voting machines, Continue to consider the

for maximum accessibility, location of power cords, lighting, interior set up of voting room

signage (internal), etc. all for maximum accessibility.

considered in the set up of the Additional seating to be

room, as feasible. provided at voting.The City of




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Action Comments Considerations for 2014

Provided accessible equipment Touch screen equipment was Ensure that technology

at all voting locations (Advance utilized for every voter. The utilized in 2014 provides

Voting and Voting Day) equipment provided a larger text accessible equipment at

size and the availability of an audio each voting location, every

ballot on each machine, at every voting day.

voting location, every voting day.

Provided instructions on use of Signs posted at each voting Continue to enhance

accessible voting equipment machine. Video demonstration communication regarding

including notice of availability of provided on the City's website and accessibility features for the

the Accessible Customer through Rogers Television. 2014 Municipal Election.

Service Policy and 2010 Information on accessible voting

Municipal Election Accessibility included in insert in the newspaper

Plan. (special pull out feature).

Scheduled extended advance Voting was held over a six day Continue to offer multiple

voting opportunities. period of time in addition to Voting advance voting dates for the

Day itself. 2014 Municipal Election.

Promoted advance voting Notices for voting week, included a Continue to promote earlier

opportunity for electors with promotion to encourage voting voting for the 2014 Municipal

disabilities early for all electors and Election.

information about accessible


Provided vote anywhere in the Promoted vote anywhere, on any Continue to promote vote

municipality at advance voting voting day. anywhere, on any voting

dates and on Voting Day day, if technology permits,

for the 2014 Municipal


Provided voting opportunities An advance voting opportunity was Continue to offer an advance

on the premises of provided at each of the institutions voting opportunity at each of

a) an institution in which 20 or

and retirement homes defined in the institutions and


more beds are occupied by

the column to the left as well as on

. .

retirement homes defined in

persons who are disabled,

Voting Day itself. the legislation.

chronically ill or infirmed;

b) a retirement home in which

50 or more beds are occupied

Reviewed additional facilities Provided a voting opportunity at Expand in 2014 if feasible, to

eligible for reduced hours voting individual buildings with 100 or smaller buildings.

more dwelling units to increase


Added tools to assist with Provided American Sign Language Continue to offer this service

ensuring accessibility as interpreters at a facility occupied by for the 2014 Municipal

identified the hearing impaired. Election. The City of



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Staff Training

Action Comments Considerations for 2014

Staff training incorporated A training session on accessible Continue to enhance training

provisions to meet accessible customer service was provided for and information available to

customer service standards - all election staff - including election staff for the 2014

including a section of the staff potential scenarios related to Municipal Election.

manual. providing assistance to electors

with disabilities. Manual included

information on accessible customer


Encouraged election staff to Election staff attempted to address Review alternative locations

monitor elector's concerns and needs where feasible. Additional in 2014 that offer sufficient

needs to ensure they were met, seating was limited at many room for additional seating.

i.e. if an individual with a walker locations.

was in a long line, staff

observed, and if felt that the

elector was having difficulties,

offered a chair and ensured that

their place was saved in the

voting line-up or offered

assistance to help (did not

assume assistance was


Election staff was trained to Review of details related to service Continue to include details

identify a service animal and animals was completed as part of related to service animals in

followed the Municipality's the training sessions held for staff. training for the 2014

Accessible Customer Service Municipal Election.


Checked the access doors Greeters opened doors at locations Review voting locations for

frequently to offer assistance without push button automatic door the 2014 Municipal Election

and watch for electors unable to openers for every elector. to determine if all locations

easily enter the building could be fully accessible.

Evaluated effectiveness of Accessible customer service Continue to offer training

training post-election training was well received by sessions with scenarios/case

election staff. Scenarios/case studies for the 2014 Municipal

studies appeared to be a very Election.

effective method of discussing

accessibility matters. None of the

customer feedback forms provided

for use concerning accessibility

features were utilized.Page: 8

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Name of Voting Location:


Inspection Date:

Yes No

Inside Building

Is the parking lot well lit?

Is the voting location on a bus route?

Is the name and address of the building clearly visible from the street and sidewalk?

Is there a pedestrian sidewalk nearby?

Is accessible parking available?

Is the accessible parking clearly marked with the International symbol of Accessibility?

Is the parking space firm and level, in good condition?

Are curb cuts provided at sidewalks, near parking and along the route to the primary


I _____

______ I

I _____

Is the accessible parking large enough to meet the needs of an elector using a wheelchair


__ __

Is the route to the entrance accessible?

______ _____

free of obstruction?

______ _____

well maintained?

______ _____

no stairs?

_______ ______

wheelchair ramp?

______ _____

wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter?

______ _____

Is the building clearly identified by signage easy to read and understand?

I______ _____ The City of


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Entrance to Building

Does it have a self-opening door? ______ _____

A power button? ______ I_____

A doorbell with signage? ______ _____

Entrance area well kept - free of obstacles? ______ _____

An elevator if stairs are present? ______ _____

Ramps if stairs are present? ______ _____

Interior doors with lever handles?

I______ _____

Glass doors marked at eye level? ______I _____

Inside Building

Wide entrance into proposed unit space? ______I _____

Floors - slip free and free of trip hazards?

______ _____

Well lit?

___________ _________I

Stairs involved?

______ _____I