Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/10/2020 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
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20-A-018 1  Confirmation of MinutesThe Minutes of the City Council meeting held on January 27, 2020 were adopted as printed and circulated.Adopted as printed and circulated  Action details Not available
20-A-019 1  Awards and RecognitionCOUNCIL SERVICE AWARD RECOGNITION OF FORMER WARD THREE COUNCILLOR, DOUG SHIPLEY Mayor Lehman recognized Doug Shipley for his efforts and accomplishments during his nine years as a member of Council representing Ward Three. Mayor Lehman commented on Doug’s commitment as Councillor and to the community. He highlighted Doug’s achievements while on Council including promotion of community safety. Mayor Lehman discussed an incident that took place in July of 2012 wherein several residents in Ward Three were displaced from their homes for five days after the discovery of more than 80 improvised explosive devices and potentially dangerous chemicals. Mayor Lehman recognized Doug’s generosity, dedication and support to his Ward Three residents during the difficult situation. Mayor Lehman presented Doug with a framed photograph of Barrie’s Waterfront and a cigarette butt out disposal unit from Barrie’s downtown as a token of appreciation of his nine years of service on Barrie’s City Council. Doug Shipley thanked Mayor Lehman and members of Council for their support and friend   Action details Not available
20-A-020 1  Awards and RecognitionRECOGNITION OF HERITAGE WEEK Mayor Lehman called upon Craig Froese, Vice-Chair and Sarah MacKinnon member of the Heritage Barrie Committee to the podium to provide their presentation in recognition of Heritage Week. Mr. Froese introduced the Official City of Barrie Town Crier, Steve Travers to announce Heritage Week 2020. The Town Crier provided the proclamation announcing February 17 - 24, 2020 as Heritage Week. Mr. Froese and Ms. MacKinnon discussed slides concerning the following topics: · The City of Barrie’s Historic Neighbourhoods and designated properties; · The Heritage Barrie Initiatives; and · Heritage Week activities and events for 2020. A member of Council asked a question to the presenters and received responses.   Action details Not available
20-A-021 1  DeputationDEPUTATIONS REGARDING MOTION 20-G-033, BRIX MAKERSPACE AND WOODSHOP - ALLOCATION OF WOODSHOP FUNDING The following Deputations were provided concerning motion 20-G-033, BRIX Makerspace and Woodshop Allocation of Woodshop Funding: 1. Allan Cavendar, President of the Barrie Woodshop Club and retired Woodshop Teacher for over 30 years provided an overview on the history of the Club being established in 2004 as a program through the City’s Recreation Department located at Victoria Village. He noted that the Club took over the program in 2012 to 2016 wherein the location was closed. Mr. Cavendar advised that the Club is still very active and that it is comprised of members of the community from all age groups. He noted that it is a great place to socialize and is full of talented and skilled people. He commented on the Club’s uniqueness and ability to teach, and assist other and groups such as the Cubs, the Scouts, the Curling Club, the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the Urban Pantry. Mr. Cavendar discussed the new community members and other woodworking groups’ enqu   Action details Not available
20-A-022 1  DeputationEMERGENCY DEPUTATION REQUEST CONCERNING MOTION 20-G-032, PURCHASE OF THE SOAPBOX ART PIECE The following Emergency Deputations were provided concerning motion 20-G-032, Purchase of the Soapbox Art Piece: 1. Sean Barton advised that he has lived in Barrie for 20 years and that he feels it is a great place to live. He commented that he recently read about members of Council recommending the purchase of the Soapbox Art Piece at a cost of $15,000. Mr. Barton discussed his concerns related to the purchase including that the purchase is wasteful and that the funds should be going to important projects such as the completion of the Allandale Train Station. He further commented that it is an unnecessary expense and that it reflects poorly on Councillor’s decisions and the overall impression of City. Mr. Barton provided suggestions on ways to use this money including dedicating it to affordable housing or homelessness in the community. He also suggested engaging local artists for Public Art projects as he felt that the money will come back to the community. Mr. Barton concluded b   Action details Not available
20-A-023 1  Tax ApplicationTAX APPLICATION - FEBRUARY 10, 2020 Moved by: Deputy Mayor, B. Ward Seconded by: Councillor, K. Aylwin That the Application for Cancellation Reduction or Addition to Taxes to Council dated February 10, 2020 in the amount of $12,526.39, be approved.Adopted  Action details Not available
20-A-024 1  Committee Report CCGeneral Committee Report dated February 3, 2020, Sections A, B, C, D, E and F. (APPENDIX “A”)Received  Action details Not available
20-G-022 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED JANUARY 21, 2020Received  Action details Not available
20-G-023 2  RecommendationCOMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT - COMMUNITY SAFETY WELL-BEING PLANAdopted  Action details Not available
20-G-025 2  Staff Report DEVELOPMENT CHARGE INTEREST - BILL 108Adopted  Action details Not available
20-G-026 2  Staff Report RODNEY STREET PARKING INVESTIGATION (WARD 1)Adopted  Action details Not available
20-G-027 2  Staff Report INVESTIGATION PARKING PROHIBITION - STEEL STREET AND RODNEY STREET (WARD 1)Adopted  Action details Not available
20-G-028 2  Item of DiscussionSPORT EVENTS/FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEEAdopted  Action details Not available
20-G-029 2  Item of DiscussionINVESTIGATION - HOME ENERGY RETROFIT PROGRAMAdopted  Action details Not available
20-G-031 2  Item of DiscussionDOWNTOWN BARRIE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (BIA) BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPOINTMENTS AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, S. Morales Seconded by: Councillor, M. McCann That motion 20-G-031 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated February 3, 2020 concerning the Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) Board of Directors Appointments be referred back to the Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) for further consideration. (Item for Discussion 8.4, February 3, 2020) (File: C06) Upon the question of the original motion, moved by Councillor, S. Morales and seconded by Councillor, M. McCann, the motion was CARRIED AS AMENDED by Amendment #1.Adopted As Amended  Action details Not available
20-G-032 2  Staff Report PURCHASE OF SOAPBOX ART PIECE AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, S. Morales Seconded by: Councillor, J. Harris That motion 20-G-032 of Section “C” of the General Committee Report dated February 3, 2020 concerning the Purchase of Soapbox Art Piece be amended by deleting paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 and by adding the following paragraph: That the City of Barrie’s Lease Agreement with artist team Chris Hanson and Hendrika Sonnenberg concerning the Soapbox Art Piece be terminated, effective immediately. Upon the question of Amendment #1, moved by Councillor, S. Morales and seconded by Councillor, J. Harris, the vote was taken as follows: Yes: 1 Councillor, S. Morales No: 7 Mayor, J. Lehman Deputy Mayor, B. Ward Councillor, K. Aylwin Councillor, N. Harris Councillor, G. Harvey Councillor, J. Harris Councillor, M. McCann Absent: Councillor, C. Riepma Councillor, R. Thomson LOST Upon the question of the original motion, moved by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward and seconded by Councillor, K. Aylwin, the vote was taken as follows: Yes: 7 Mayor, J. Lehman Deputy Mayor, B. Ward CounAdopted  Action details Not available
20-G-033 3  Staff Report BRIX MAKERSPACE AND WOODSHOP - ALLOCATION OF WOODSHOP FUNDING AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, M. McCann Seconded by: Councillor S. Morales That motion 20-G-033 of Section “D” of the General Committee Report dated February 3, 2020 concerning the BRIX Makerspace and Woodshop - Allocation of Woodshop Funding be deferred to a future General Committee meeting for further consideration. (ECD003-20) Upon the question of Amendment #1, moved by Councillor, M. McCann and seconded by Councillor, S. Morales, the vote was taken as follows: Yes: 4 Councillor, N. Harris Councillor, G. Harvey Councillor, J. Harris Councillor, M. McCann No: 4 Mayor, J. Lehman Deputy Mayor, B. Ward Councillor, K. Aylwin Councillor, S. Morales Absent: Councillor, C. Riepma Councillor, R. Thomson LOST Upon the question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward and seconded by Councillor, K. Aylwin, the vote was taken as follows: Yes: 4 Mayor, J. Lehman Deputy Mayor, B. Ward Councillor, K. Aylwin Councillor, S. Morales No: 4 Councillor, N. Harris Councillor, G. Harvey CounciLost  Action details Not available
20-A-025 1  Committee Report CCPlanning Committee Report dated February 3, 2020. (APPENDIX “B”)Received  Action details Not available
20-P-008 2  Staff Report - PCAPPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (DEREK BURKE) - 263 EDGEHILL DRIVE (WARD 5)Adopted  Action details Not available
20-A-026 1  Direct MotionINVESTIGATION - ROAD DIET ON GEORGIAN DRIVE Moved by: Councillor, S. Morales Seconded by: Councillor, N. Harris That staff in the Development Services Department, Transportation Planning Branch investigate the feasibility of implementing a road diet along Georgian Drive and report back to General Committee in April, 2020. (Direct Motion, February 10, 2020)Adopted  Action details Not available
20-A-027 1  Direct MotionMOTION WITHOUT NOTICE - ROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE - EARTH DAY EVENT Moved by: Councillor, M. McCann Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey That pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Procedural By-law 2013-072, permission be granted to introduce a motion without notice concerning the Rotary Club of Barrie - Earth Day Event. Deputy Mayor, B. Ward declared a potential pecuniary interest on the foregoing matter as he is a member of a Rotary Club in the City of Barrie. He did not participate or vote on the matter. He remained in his Chair at the Council table.Adopted  Action details Not available
20-A-028 1  Direct MotionROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE - EARTH DAY EVENT Moved by: Councillor, M. McCann Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey That the Georgian College Theatre be provided to the Rotary Club of Barrie for their Earth Day Event on April 21, 2020, and that the approximately $1,000 cost associated with the use of the space be funded from the Council Priorities Account. (Direct Motion, February 10, 2020) Deputy Mayor, B. Ward declared a potential pecuniary interest on the foregoing matter as he is a member of a Rotary Club in the City of Barrie. He did not participate or vote on the matter. He remained in his Chair at the Council table.Adopted  Action details Not available
20-A-029 1  Presentation - CCPRESENTATION BY THE ROYAL VICTORIA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTRE (RVH) CONCERNING THE PLAN OUR FUTURE TOGETHER Jason Teal, RVH Board of Directors and Janice Skot, RVH President and CEO provided a presentation concerning the RVH Plan for the future. Mr. Teal thanked City Council for their continuing support and for the contribution to RVH Phase One Expansion Project in 2005. Ms. Skot discussed slides concerning the following topics: · The history of the RVH; · The 2018-2019 statistics including the number of patients, emergency and cancer visits, volunteers, physicians, surgeries and births at RVH; · The new regional programs provided at RVH; · A map illustrating the population growth for Barrie, Springwater and south Simcoe County by 2041; · A projection of the aging population in Simcoe County within the next 25 years; · The population health percentages associated to chronic and multiple chronic diseases; · A chart illustrating the number of patients receiving hallway medicine at RVH; · An integrated model of the proposed two campuses; · An architectural rendering of the south campusReceived  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2020-016 1  By-lawBill #016 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By- law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (20-P-007) (Application for Zoning By-law Amendment - Dipoce Innisfil Inc., 8001 County Road 27) (Ward 7) (DEV002-20) (File: D14-1665)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2020-017 1  By-lawBill #017 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A. 072). (20-P-002) (Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, Second Suites Permissions in the Georgian Neighbourhood Study Boundary Area) (Wards 1, 2 and 3) (PLN002-20) (Files: D09-72 and D14-1666)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2020-018 1  By-lawBill #018 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (20-P-002) (Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, Second Suites Permissions in the Georgian Neighbourhood Study Boundary Area) (Wards 1, 2 and 3) (PLN002-20) (Files: D09-72 and D14-1666) Councillor, S. Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest on the foregoing matters as he could be financially impacted in the future if he were to own property in the area. He did not participate or vote on the matters. He remained at the Council table.Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2020-019 1  By-lawBill #019 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to further amend By-law 2018-146, being a by-law to appoint members to various committees, boards and commissions. (19-G-189, 20-G-001 and 20-G-028) (Appointments - Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, Investment Board and Sport Events/Facilities Advisory Committee) (CCS004-19, FIN001-20 and Discussion 8.1, February 3, 2020) (File: C06)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
Bill020 1  By-lawBill #020 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to appoint members to the Downtown Barrie Business Association (BIA) Board of Management. (18-G-229, 19-G-292 and 20-G-031) (Appointments Downtown Business Association (BIA) Board of Management) (LSC015-18, Item for Discussion 8.6, October 7, 2019 and Item for Discussion 8.4, February 3, 2020) (File: C05)   Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2020-020 1  By-lawBill #021 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 10th day of February, 2020.Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available