Meeting Name: Heritage Barrie Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/4/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Sir Robert Barrie Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-22966 1  Presentation - AC/RCPOTENTIAL LISTINGS FOR THE HERITAGE REGISTER: 144 and 146 Bradford Street D. Viti, the property owner of 144 and 146 Bradford Street provided a brief historical overview of the property. Mr. Viti asked the Committee a number of questions regarding the process to add a property to the Municipal Heritage Register. He noted that he may request the addition of 144 and 146 Bradford Street to the City’s Heritage Register in the future. 62 William Street E. Dauphinee, the property owner of 62 William Street provided a brief historical overview of the property. Ms. Dauphinee provided photographs of the exterior and interior of 62 William Street and reviewed the heritage features of the residential home. She requested that 62 William Street be added to the Heritage Register. The Committee recommended adding 62 William Street to the Heritage Register. 250 Dunlop Street West S. Craig, a tenant of the property located at 250 Dunlop Street West represented the property owner and provided a brief historical overview of the property. Mr. Craig noted that the residential home was built iReceived  Action details Not available
18-G-190 1  Staff Report HERITAGE REGISTER REVIEWrecommended for adoption  Action details Not available
TMP-22967 1  Presentation - AC/RC2019 HERITAGE BARRIE COMMITTEE BUDGET The Committee deferred this item to a future meeting.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22968 1  Presentation - AC/RCHERITAGE BARRIE AWARDS SELECTION The Committee met and discussed the 2018 Heritage Award nominations in recognition of maintaining historical properties within the City of Barrie as submitted by the public and Committee members. The Committee selected the award recipients in the following categories: · Residential; · Commercial; · Institutional; and · Individual/Group.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22969 1  Presentation - AC/RCHERITAGE HISTORIC FALL WALKING TOURS - UPDATE K. Suggitt, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Policy and Analysis provided an update regarding the Heritage Historic Walking Tours scheduled for September 29 and September 30, 2018. Ms. Suggitt noted that the tours of the Downtown and Union Cemetery have been arranged with the City’s Town Crier, Steve Travers. Ms. Suggitt advised that she would follow up with Access Barrie staff to advertise the Heritage Historic Fall Walking Tours and will report back to the Heritage Barrie Committee.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22970 1  Presentation - AC/RC2018 WORK PLAN REVIEW C. Tribble reviewed the 2018 Heritage Barrie Committee Work Plan. The Committee discussed tasks associated with the 2018 Heritage Barrie Awards.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22971 1  Presentation - AC/RCDEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS UNDER REVIEW T. Wierzba, Policy Planner noted that there were no updates concerning development applications at this time.Received  Action details Not available