Meeting Name: Heritage Barrie Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/7/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Sir Robert Barrie Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-22916 1  Presentation - AC/RCPOTENTIAL LISTINGS FOR THE HERITAGE REGISTER · 144 AND 146 BRADFORD STREET The Committee deferred this item to a future meeting. · 250 DUNLOP STREET WEST S. Craig, a tenant of the property located at 250 Dunlop Street West spoke on behalf of the property owner and provided a brief historical overview of the property. Mr. Craig asked a number of questions to the Committee asking about ways to research the history of a property, what are the benefits to adding a property to Heritage Register and inquired about information on designated historical properties. Mr. Craig received responses from the members of the Committee. Mr. Craig advised he will provide further historical information on the property at a future meeting. · 27 WILLIAM STREET A. Pelan and G. Poisson provided a brief historical overview concerning their property located at 27 William Street and requested that the property be added to the Heritage Register. Ms. Pelan and Mr. Poisson asked a number of questions inquiring about adding a property to the Heritage Register and received responses from the membersReceived  Action details Not available
18-G-189 1  Staff Report REQUEST TO ADD 27 WILLIAM STREET TO THE CITY’S HERITAGE REGISTERrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
TMP-22924 1  Presentation - AC/RC2019 HERITAGE BARRIE COMMITTEE BUDGET The Committee deferred this item to a future meeting.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22917 1  Presentation - AC/RC2018 HERITAGE BARRIE AWARDS C. Tribble advised that advertisements concerning the nominations for the 2018 Heritage Barrie Awards are now available on the City’s website and on the City page of the Barrie Advance. Mr. Tribble noted that the deadline to submit a nomination is August 31, 2018.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22918 1  Presentation - AC/RCLIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S ONTARIO HERITAGE AWARDS C. Tribble provided a brief summary concerning the criteria of the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Awards. The Committee deferred this item to a future meeting.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22919 1  Presentation - AC/RCHERITAGE HISTORIC FALL WALKING TOURS C. Tribble advised that the Heritage Historic Fall Walking Tours will be taking place during the month of September, 2018 and that Steve Travers, the Town Crier will be providing the historic information during the Walking Tours.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22921 1  Presentation - AC/RC2018 WORK PLAN REVIEW The Committee reviewed the 2018 Work Plan for the month of August. C. Tribble expressed his appreciation to the Committee in staying on target with the Work Plan.Received  Action details Not available
TMP-22920 1  Presentation - AC/RCDEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS UNDER REVIEW The Committee deferred this item to a future meeting.Received  Action details Not available